WRP announces Otto Vondrak next editor of Railroad Model Craftsman

Otto Vondrak will become the eighth editor of Railroad Model Craftsman starting with the May 2019 issue. Photo by Blair Kooistra

WRP announces Otto Vondrak next editor of Railroad Model Craftsman

February 5, 2019

White River Productions has released details on an editorial change for Railroad Model Craftsman. Kevin and Nadean EuDaly, owners of White River Productions, express their appreciation to Stephen Priest for his editorial leadership of RMC for more than four years, and wish him well in his future endeavors.

The New Editor

WRP is pleased to announce that Otto M. Vondrak, associate editor of Railfan & Railroad, has been appointed as the eighth editor of Railroad Model Craftsman. Otto is a native of New York State, and a graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology’s (RIT) graphic design program. He is a lifelong model railroader from his start with a Lionel train set at age five. He is a member of the National Model Railroad Association Northeast Region, and a co-founder of the RIT Model Railroad Club.

As a published author, his work has appeared in Railroad Model Craftsman, Railpace, Railfan & Railroad, CTC Board, Trains Magazine, and a number of books on railroad history. He joined the staff of R&R as associate editor in 2011. He is also an active volunteer and president of the Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum. He has been working for WRP since Railfan & Railroad and Railroad Model Craftsman were acquired from Carstens Publications in 2014.

Editorial Team

The rest of the Railroad Model Craftsman editorial team will remain in place, including Associate Editor Harry K. Wong, as well as most columnists and regular contributors. Articles can be submitted electronically, or by mail to P.O. Box 22775, Rochester, NY 14692. All product samples for review should be directed to Harry K. Wong, P.O. Box 16673, San Francisco, CA 94116.

About Us

Railroad Model Craftsman magazine was founded as The Model Craftsman by Emanuele Stieri in 1933. White River Productions was founded by Kevin EuDaly in 1992, and acquired both Railroad Model Craftsman and Railfan & Railroad from Carstens Publications in 2014.

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This article was posted on: February 5, 2019