New Conoco Tank Cars for HOn3, On3

Narrow Gauge Tank Cars for Continental Oil Company in a multitude of variations for both HOn3 and On3/On30.

New Conoco Tank Cars for HOn3, On3

By Railroad Model Craftsman Staff

Now available from the San Juan Model Co. is the first production of an all-new CONOCO high dome tank car in two scales that is sure to be popular with modelers of the iconic Denver & Rio Grande Western narrow gauge. The company says it is the first time that these prototypes have been produced as ready-to-run models for both HOn3 and On3 scales.

These highly detailed tank cars are factory assembled with intricate brake rigging, commodity placards, separate grab irons and free-rolling durable metal wheelsets. Four distinct era-specific paint schemes are available in this run for Continental Oil Company including:

1926 – Black with white sans-serif “Continental Oil Co.” lettering. 

1930 – Black with white roman “Continental Oil Co.” lettering. 

1935 – Black frame and trucks, silver tank, with large green sans-serif “CONOCO” lettering. 

1940 – Black car with large white sans-serif “CONOCO” lettering. 

A full set of On30 replacement wheels are included with each On3 tank car to allow operation in either gauge.  The On3/On30 models retail for $109.95 and the HOn3 models retail for $89.95. All cars are available now, exclusively at

The sans-serif “Continental Oil Co.” lettering scheme began appearing in 1926 on these narrow-gauge tank cars now exquisitely reproduced for both HOn3 and On3/On30 by San Juan Model Company.

This article was posted on: December 2, 2021