Welcome to the incredible world of model railroading, where the only limit is your own creativity! If you’re just getting started, you probably have many questions. What train set set should I buy? Do I need a lot of space to build a layout? What kind of tools do I need? What kind of track do I buy? How do I make the trains run? Don’t be fooled by some sites who claim they can teach you everything you need to know with one simple mystery book. We’ll do our best to answer your questions and help get you started on a lifetime of hobby enjoyment.

Dan Speicher photo
The Basics: You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get started in model railroading. In fact, part of the fun of being a model railroader is acquiring items you need over time. Bit by bit, you can build up your model railroading empire. Most people get started with a simple train set, which includes the trains, as well as the tracks and power pack needed to get up and running in no time. Follow these steps to start your journey of model railroading fun! All aboard!
Step 1 – Getting Started
Step 2 – Setting Up Your Trains
Step 3 – Tools, Tips, and Tricks
Step 4 – The Next Level