The model railroad hobby is by its very nature driven by innovation and technology. As such we are constantly looking for new approaches to the hobby in the use of new techniques and products. While it has been over two decades since laser-cut craftsman structures were introduced, this process has revolutionized how scale buildings are produced for the hobbyist. Laser-cut kits have provided the modeler with a torrent of model structures representing both prototype and freelanced subjects. The ability to produce small runs on demand with either no hard tooling, or at best minimum tooling required, has opened the floodgates for an expanding category.
The main holdout for the universal acceptance of laser-cut kits has been the perception that they are difficult to build and seem to require a high level of skill to decorate. The first objection is patently false, since laser kits are no more difficult to assemble than injection-molded plastic kits and often even easier since the fit is more precise. While some degree of skill is helpful in applying decoration to these models, these finishing techniques are easily learned and can be improved with practice. However, the answer to this later objection is now at hand with the introduction of these Over-Nighter Series of kits from Bar Mills Scale Model Works.
Bar Mills Scale Model Works has taken the classic laser-cut kit and combined with modern printing techniques to develop an easy-to-assemble series of structure kits that can quickly be constructed in a single evening with a minimum of tools and finishing supplies. The major component walls are cut from thin MDF and have a printed finish laminated to them which eliminates the process of painting and weathering these parts. Since only a few items need to be painted by the builder, these can be quickly finished with fast-drying spray paint or even inexpensive craft paints that dry to touch in just a few minutes.
The main components of each kit include a set of pre-finished MDF laser-cut walls, stripwood for corner posts and trim, clear glazing, injection-molded plastic window and doors plus cast-resin detail parts along with laser board large doors and signage. Each kit provides all of the items required to assemble a nicely detailed building with attendant added details.
Since the MDF walls are very stable and resist warping, none of the usual additional interior bracing is needed; so once the pre-painted corner posts are added to each edge the four walls can be quickly glued up and squared. Yellow carpenter’s glue provides excellent adhesion to the wood, card, and laser board parts. Once dry, these bonds will prove to be very durable. To attach the plastic details and glazing, canopy (PVA) glue is suggested by the manufacturer…